The Three Sentence Pitch

The Three Sentence Pitch

The purpose of the three sentence pitch is to communicate who you are, what you do, and what you want in three sentences. There are many fancy ways to slice this. For example, you can include a catchy intro, articulate […]

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Two Biggest Challenges IoT Founders Must Face

Two Biggest Challenges IoT Founders Must Face

Endeavoring to start a company is extremely challenging regardless of what kind of company it is. However different industries present their own unique challenges. Software, hardware, and service companies must all take very different approaches to carving out a profitable […]

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Why join an accelerator as an IoT company?

Why join an accelerator as an IoT company?

An accelerator is typically a 2-3 month program where start-ups trade company equity for cash, mentorship, additional investment opportunities, and access to industry experts and customers. The program length and what is traded varies greatly, and while the big names […]

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